Abstract : The quest to search for the Cālukyas of South Kokana began when I noticed three photographs of copper plates labeled as ‘the Donation of the Śilāhāras’ in the book ‘Asē GhaḍalēṬhāṇe(असेघडलेठाणे)’ by DāudaDaḻavī. He has not provided any details and provenance of these copper plates in his book. It intrigued me more as the date visible on one of the plate was śaka era 1182. Apparently it was not possible as this was the year when Śilāhāra King Someśvaraissued the Cān̄djē Rock Edict (śaka era 1182). Sometimes after this date the Śilāhāras of North Kokaṇa were annihilated by the Yādava kingMahādeva. Cān̄djē Rock Edict is the last known inscription of this dynasty. There is no news or publication of any Rock Edict of the Śilāhārasbeyond this date so far. The Panhāḻe Copper Plate issued by KingMallikārjuna dated śaka era 1073 is thelast known Copper Plate edict of this dynasty. As suchthe copper plated labeled by DāudaDaḻavī as “Donation of the Śilāhāras” necessitated critical investigation.