Historicity |
International Research Journal
ISSN 2393-8900
Certificate Of Acceptance
This is to certify that our Editorial, Advisory, and Review Board Accepted Research
Paper of
Dr. /Mr. /Miss. / Mrs. :राजेद्रं कृष्णात गरड
Topic:-नवीन शैक्षणिक धोरण – 2020 मध्ये ग्रंथालयाचा नवदृष्टीकोन
The Research paper is Original & Innovative it is Done Double Blind Peer Reviewed.
Authorised Signature
Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad
Phone No. :- +91-9422460023,+91-9850078760
Mail us at :- g.sanjayjee@gmail.com ravikiran.rnj@gmail.com
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